Dance Class Tuition for 2024-2025 Fall & Spring Semesters

Tuition is paid per month, semester, or year and remains the same, regardless of the student's attendance or the amount of weeks in each month. It is due the first week of each month, September–April, and a $20 late fee may be added after the 10th of the month.

In addition to your tuition, there will be a non-refundable $35 registration fee (per family) due when registering online and a recital costume fee (per class) due in November.

You will not be sent a monthly statement; however, you will receive a notice if tuition is not paid in a timely manner. We reserve the right to remove a student from class if their account becomes more than three months delinquent.

2024-2025 TUITION FEES

1-30 min class (Creative Movement) -- $150 $300
1-45 min class $45 $180 $360
1-60 min class $50 $200 $400
1-60 min combo class $68 $272 $544


There is a $25 fee for each returned check in addition to any other fees.
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